
portrait_loBryan Beecham aka Billy Garnet is a Consultant, Coach, Trainer, Speaker, Guitarist, HumanRefactor guide, Idea Generator, Teacher, and Continuous Learner.

He is a craftsmanship enthusiast and is passionate about improving everyone’s coding style and living mantra by helping them to release their inner child. His energetic style engages  audiences to help to unlock creativity, trigger learning, and have fun interacting with new ideas. Whether presenting at Agile events or at private companies throughout North America, he speaks passionately about technology and his positive energy is contagious.

He provides Agile consulting, coaching and training for companies throughout North America as well as helps others improve their personal lives through human refactoring.

Like the improving of technology, this blog is about improving oneself over and over again.  It’s about achieving those dreams that are precious to you.  It’s about achieving those goals that others may not think you’re capable of but deep inside you know you are.  It’s about removing all the waste in your life to get to that beautiful core, that diamond in the rough, that essence that makes you special and a gift to the world.

This blog is not about me.  This blog is about discovering who you really are.

Bamboo photo on header by @yakobusan Jakob Montrasio 孟亚柯

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